Training Baby Oxen


Back in January we introduced you to Cat (short for Caterpillar) and Diesel, our new potential ox team. They are about three months old now and really turning into nice calves. CW had them out the other day when it was nice and sunny giving them some exercise and their almost daily training, so I quickly grabbed my camera.


The session usually starts out with a free for all, to get all the wiggles out.


They are most exuberant to be turned loose to run. They make the absolute most of it.


Then one by one they are caught and tied up. Learning to stand tied, without pulling is most important. As these guys get bigger, we don't want them ever to know that they have the power to pull back and get free. There's not much you can tie 1,500 pounds of ox to that he's not going to move if he thinks he can!


It's also important they learn to "stand free" as you work around them. We start off with just standing still for a few moments and then work into asking them to stand while we move off.


Of course, we wouldn't get anything done if "giddup" wasn't learned. Diesel is coming right along.


Cat is doing very well too, but still has his moments.


"Backup" is also essential to learn. We use this when hooking to equipment and getting them to move off you. From backing a few steps to backing several feet in a straight line is learned.


Another command requirement for our teams is "foot". With Kit being a farrier by trade, we have an on-call farrier at all times! BUT the cows, steers, calves, oxen ALL have to learn to pick up their feet like our horses do. It is much easier to teach them at this size then it is when they are a 1,000 pounds plus.


On this particular day Cat decided to match wits with CW on how to avoid picking his foot up.


In fact he was pretty sure he did not want his foot picked up at all!


So CW laid him down and picked his feet up one by one, rubbing him all over the entire time. And then let him back up.


And, although not happy about it, Cat does appear to consider that three feet might be better then no feet at all!


Here JW2 rubs down Diesel, getting him used to being petted and touched all over. They need to learn that they will be touched all over. We need to be able to move all around them touching them with chains, hands, and equipment.


While CW was busy with other duties one day, JW1 and I took the calf team out and put them through their paces. JW1 is turning into quite the little teamster.


At the end of the training session they get a warm bottle of milk!