Meet Our Newest Addition

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This little fellow was born two weeks ago. The boys decided to call him Star because of the white spot on his head. He also sports a white ring around his tail and a white patch, we found later, under his armpit. He is our first calf with white on him.

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His mother is our own home bred and raised Cardinal Noel, born to Fiddle about Christmas time two years ago. The boys are responsible for bottle feeding and training each new calf and their work with Cardinal Noel has really paid off. For a first time milker she is awesome in the stanchion. Little star was born around 10 p.m. in what turned out to be a supper fast delivery for a first time heifer. I checked her about 9 p.m. and went to bed as she wasn't showing any signs of imminent labor. At 10:30 p.m. our bull and other cows woke us up with their bellowing. We went out to check and Cardinal had delivered a healthy bull calf and he was up walking around. Hubby and I worked at getting a bottle's worth of milk for the baby just to make sure he had a full tummy for the night. In the morning the boys found him in a puddle and he was very cold. They loaded him in the sled and brought him to the house.

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He rested in the sled near the wood stove for a few hours while the boys rubbed him with towels and showered him with petting. 

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After a warm bottle of milk he was as good as new. He was then installed in his own cozy, straw-filled hut and is growing by leaps and bounds!